Thursday, November 19, 2009

Reflecting on the 4 Hour Project.

The more you write, the more I know about what you think, the better I can assess your learning so...write a lot. Be descriptive.

The way i went about the project was i remembered the poor painting project we did and decided to do that again, after i decided to do the poor painting and then i didn't know what to draw on top of it so i decided to draw random items. So i just thought of fun crazy things that would go well with the poor paintings. Then after i drew them in my sketch book i picked out what i liked and then drew it on top of the painting after it dried.

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Book Project...progress and planning.

What's the story you're trying to tell?

  • The story i am trying to tell is that of a women who's brother is an alcoholic, it is one were the sister is a big time lawyer and her brother is always calling on her to help him out but yet he keeps making the same mistakes over and over. Final the sister has had enough because she is constantly helping out her brother she hasn't really been able to buy and achieve all her goals.
what challenges have you faced so far?
  • The challenges that i have faced are more with the verbal talking that i wanted to have.
What's going well?
  • so far the i am doing well trying to put the pieces and people together the way i planned, i also am making sure that the backgrounds and the people relate or in some way relate to the topic.
What isn't?
  • more the placement and the organization is a little challenging, also trying to keep to the topic, story.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

drawing the human figure from the inside out

  • Today with the first two drawings i didn't do as good as i expected, but with the last one i did way better and enjoyed drawing my classmates.

  • Well for the first two drawing i didn't get to see peoples faces but with the last one i did better i feel i draw people better from the front then from the back. i enjoyed doing these drawings and drawing people in the class. Its fun.