Friday, September 25, 2009

reflecting on week 1

What do all these activities have in common?

In all the activities we did this week we tried to limit the amount of control we had over the pieces. We also used and a had a lot of free creative art time which was good, for example with the pour paint we were able to mix and create what we wanted. I enjoy having art classes were its more free and kinda create or fun specific stuff.
mean in detail.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Re-visiting obervation/description activity

What worked was the description of shapes and some description of objects.

what did not work was not being able to tell what who were and when with details. Also not being able to give details of the background or clothing.

over all the shape description was good the location not so much.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Re-visiting paintings

two people
a big tree
a lake
spots of blood
a leg
and wired bird.

painting #2
a tree with a face
foot prints
rain drops
an alligator
a little bird
someone running

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Givign up control

Describe the process of creating paintings through pouring paint you experienced today. How did it work?
This art class was fun because I was able to make different things and to make the paint and not try to draw any really shapes or pictures. I also enjoyed not getting dirty but making cool art work

How did it FEEL to give up some control over the shapes you created? Describe any surprises.
It felt good to work with art you had no controle over.

Monday, September 21, 2009

collabertive drawing

How does someone else working on your drawing add or take away from your drawing?

When I started my drawing I pictured two little penguins on there way to school it was snowing and they were almost there. When i got back to my drawing i saw a penguine covered in "snow" and the other had a lot of snow on his back. I didn't really like what i saw because it was not what i had in mind so I took off the snow and tried to paint the penguin back to its color

Friday, September 18, 2009

what i think bout art

What makes someone an artist?
An artist is someone who can look at something and want to draw paint or take a picture of it. Also and artist is someone that has a passion for art or photography. Also an artist is someone who does sculpture and many other forms or art.

What does it mean to be creative?
To be creative is to think, do and wear things people would most likely not do. Also to be creative is to think out side the box. An artist also needs to put in there taste and point of view on any project they are working on.

Describe at least 3 or 4 things an artist needs to be creative and productive?

A sense for different things, look at things in different views, think outside the box on art, and lastly and artist needs to be passionate about his or her work.

Monday, September 14, 2009

egyptian chain

Heart Scarab of Hatnofer, Egypt
I enjoy chains.
This chain is comparible to the wons the fine Egyption royalty would wear